Click here to read the rationale and aims of this policy dialogue
Massimiliano Salini, MEP
Chrodis Plus Joint Action
Rokas Navickas, VULSK Lithuania, Chrodis Plus Scientific Coordinator
Employment and Chronic Conditions: a European Challenge
The Chrodis Plus Toolbox
Matilde Leonardi, FINCB Italy, Chrodis Plus WP8 Leader
Jaana Lindstrom, Eeva Rantala, THL Finland, Chrodis Plus WP8 Co-leader
Round table
Addressing the impact of chronic diseases in the employment sector.
What are the practical steps for EU policy to support employment for people with chronic diseases?
Moderator: Clive Needle, EuroHealthNet, Brussels
Katie Gallager, European Patients Forum, EPF
Raymond Vanholder, European Chronic Disease Alliance, ECDA
Alberto Lapi, Accenture, Representative of Enterprises
Sarah Cospey, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, EU-OSHA
Anna Ludwinek, European Foundation for Improvement of Living &Working Conditions EUROFOUND
Martin Jefflen, Trade Union voice of professionals and managers, EUROCADRES
Why best practices delivered by Chrodis Plus are significant?
Clive Needle | EuroHealthNet
Explaining the practical use and benefits of the Chrodis Plus Toolbox
Katie Gallagher | European Patients Forum
The increasing prevalence of chronic conditions in Europe’s working age population underlines the need for a European strategy towards inclusion, integration and reintegration of employees in the workplace as well as towards the development of actions to support workers’ health and wellbeing.
The JA Chrodis Plus Policy Dialogue on employment and chronic conditions will aim to identify the practical steps for EU policy to support employment for people with chronic diseases and to address the impact of chronic diseases in the employment sector.
Epidemiological transition and ageing across Europe is resulting in a rise of chronic diseases in the working population that will impact on the health and welfare sectors as well as an employment sector. This is a crucial issue for European and national policy makers, patients, NGOs, academies, and civil society which need legal, social, political and technical tools to face the challenge. Relevant stakeholders need to be encouraged to implement actions on the employment and chronic conditions at European and national level. The European Union has a significant role to play in supporting and encouraging national labour reforms, sharing innovative ideas and helping to create successful policy frameworks.
Questions for the Round Table discussion
- What are the practical steps for EU policy to support employment for people with chronic diseases and to address the impact of chronic diseases in the employment sector?
- How can the EU support health promotion and disease prevention in the workplace for people with or at risk for chronic conditions?
- Can policies and implementation of best practices tackle the employment sector as an area where care of people’s health should be improved?
- How can EU Policy support the implementation of the TOOLBOX: Training Tool and Toolkit?
- How can the Chrodis Plus Training Tool and Toolkit promote or support existing European policies on inclusion and work ability of people with chronic conditions?
Aims of the EU Policy Dialogue on Employment and Chronic Conditions:
- bring together EU stakeholders for a common understanding of the benefits of the workplace inclusion, integration and reintegration of people with chronic conditions,
- present the Chrodis Plus Toolbox on Employment and Chronic Conditions developed within the EU Joint Action CHRODIS PLUS. This Toolbox includes a Training Tool for managers on workplace inclusion and work ability and a Toolkit for workplace adaptation, health promotion and disease prevention. The TOOLBOX will be freely available in different languages on the Chrodis website from April 2020.
Expected outcomes:
- to draw attention to the effect that chronic conditions have in the work sector by adopting interventions and strategies that approach health in all sectors,
- to encourage all relevant stakeholders to implement the Chrodis Plus Toolbox
CHRODIS PLUS Work Package 8 on Employment and Chronic Conditions ( involves 12 institutional partners from 10 different European countries and aims to:
- Implement good practices in the employment sector for people with chronic conditions: development of CHRODIS-PLUS Training tool for managers
- Develop a CHRODIS-PLUS Toolkit for adaptation of the workplace for access, prevention and maintenance of chronic conditions at the workplace
- Develop a road map for health promotion and disease prevention (HPDP) in the workplace for people with chronic conditions including access to, reintegration, maintenance and stay at work tackling the employment sector as an area where care of people with chronic conditions should be improved, by policies and implementation of best practices.
Official language: English
Picture gallery of the event
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