This page contains links to research and reports published or commissioned by the APPG for Prescribed Drug Dependence:

J. Davies, R.E. Cooper, J. Moncrieff, L. Montagu, T. Rae, M. Parhi, The costs incurred by the NHS in England due to the unnecessary prescribing of dependency-forming medications, Addictive Behaviors, Volume 125, 2022, 107143, ISSN 0306-4603,

Guy, A., Brown, M., Lewis, S., and Horowitz, M., (2020) The ‘patient voice’: patients who experience antidepressant withdrawal symptoms are often dismissed, or misdiagnosed with relapse, or a new medical condition, Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology Sage Publications, 2020, Vol. 10: 1–15

Guy, A., Davies J., Rizq, R. (Eds.) (2019). Guidance for psychological therapists: Enabling conversations with clients taking or withdrawing from prescribed psychiatric drugs. London: APPG for Prescribed Drug Dependence.

Davies J, Read J (2018) A Systematic Review into the Incidence, Severity and Duration of Antidepressant Withdrawal Effects: Are Guidelines Evidence-Based? Journal of Addictive Behaviors

Davies J, Pauli R, Montagu L (2018) Antidepressant Withdrawal: A Survey of Patients’ Experience (an APPG for PDD Report)

Guy A, Davies J (2018) An Analysis of Four Current UK Service Models for Prescribed Medication Withdrawal Support (an APPG for PDD Report)

Guy A, Brown M, Lewis S, Reid S, Epsley K, Cope D, et al. (2018) The Patient Voice: an analysis of personal accounts of prescribed drug dependence and withdrawal submitted to petitions in Scotland and Wales (an APPG for PDD Report)

Davies J, Rae TMontagu L (2017) Long-term benzodiazepine and Z-drugs use in England: a survey of general practice 

Case for a Helpline (2017)

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