Welcome to the website of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence.
The APPG will address the growing problem of prescribed drug dependence (PDD). Increasing numbers of prescriptions for addictive, psychoactive drugs are being given to both adults and children, including benzodiazepines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants and painkillers. While these drugs may help some people in the short term, there is growing evidence that long-term use leads to worse outcomes, and many patients report devastating persistent withdrawal and other negative effects. The APPG will engage with this issue by demanding appropriate services for those affected, proper training for medical professionals, reduced prescribing through adherence to new and existing guidelines, better data regarding the prevalence of PDD and more research into long-term harms associated with PDD.
Mission statement:
“The APPG for PDD will recognise, address and reduce the harm caused by prescribed drug dependence”
1) To raise awareness of PDD by communicating the latest evidence to parliament, government and other policymakers
2) To ensure that the evidence is supported by appropriate research and analysis, including into long-term harm
3) To ensure appropriate withdrawal and support services are provided for those affected by PDD
4) To improve training and awareness of PDD among medical professionals
5) To reduce prescribing by ensuring adherence to existing guidelines, and through the creation of new guidelines where needed
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